White triangular video play button on orange circle YouTube and Video Distribution Strategy. YouTube optimization is important if you’ve invested in video production and are using YouTube as a key platform for video distribution. A great way to significantly enhance the return on your video investment is to set your videos up strategically on a YouTube Channel and make the most of the wide range of YouTube features and search engine optimization (SEO). MiniMatters can show you how, and take care of any implementation that you’d prefer not to do yourself.

Video Distribution Expertise

At MiniMatters, we follow the latest developments on video distribution on YouTube and in video distribution on websites, email, social media, and other online video platforms other than YouTube. We can recommend video distribution options that are best for you and your goals.

Our Video Distribution Work

Clients are Saying

MiniMatters is the perfect group to work with. I felt like I was working with friends who tried to understand our business, and did understand our business–sometimes better than we did. The size of their company also makes them cost-competitive and agile.
Dennis Langley, Executive Director, The Mechanical Contracting Research & Education Foundation
For video production, call 301-339-0339 or email us.

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